Tactics Ogre Wiki

Sara Ostvald is a Lawful, 22 year old, generic Archer recruit that is automatically recruited in Chapter 1, after the battle of Krysaro. She is recruited alongside Voltare and Donnalto.

Warren Report:[]

"A Walister serving with the Order of ____. She is an archer with the Knights of Almorica. Her father and brothers were also bowmen with the knights, but all perished in the early days of the war. Her pinpoint accuracy with the bow more than compensates for her lack of brute strength. She returned to her mother's side after the defeat of the Walister and the capture of Duke Ronwey. However, she returned to her post as soon as she received word of the Duke's rescue. She initially served with Leonar's troops, but then joined the Order of ____ after Denam went to her aid at Krysaro."
